group coaching program

Transform your life and business with The Metamorphosis

There comes a time during the conscious entrepreneurial journey, when all of a sudden everything seems to no longer be in alignment. You find yourself unmotivated and uninspired to do the things that once lit you up inside. You’re on the verge of burn out because you’ve created a business model based on what you thought you had to do instead of what you love to do. It’s in these moments you need a gentle yet sturdy cocoon to help you transform into the next evolution of yourself and your business.

women we've worked with

If you are feeling confused, misaligned or that there’s something greater out there for your business but not sure exactly what that is—Amanda will guide you to it.

Lauren P.

Holistic Wellness Practitioner

A 3-month group coaching cocoon to transform your business into the next evolution of its greatest expression

Embark on a 12-week journey of intuitive business and creative guidance, a transformative mentorship tailored to elevate your existing business model into a purpose-driven, abundance-focused endeavor. This program is a supportive container for comprehensive personal and business development, tailored to honor your unique personality and preferred approach to life and business.
the elements

Every Element of Your Personal & Business Transformation is Considered

The journey of transformation is not for the faint of heart. It’s for the entrepreneurs who are still willing to give their passions another chance before throwing in the towel. You’ve reached the end of your patience and you’re looking for a final opportunity to make your dreams come true. It’s right here, and it will be done mindfully to not disrupt your current workflow.

Weekly Tasks and Action Items: A structured approach to integrate transformative practices into your daily routine.

Weekly Lessons & Digital Platform: Live sessions are held on Thursday's at 1-3pm PST every week. All recordings are saved to a digital platform.

12-Week Curriculum Broken Into Three Phases: A strategic roadmap guiding you through the stages of transformation.

Additional Office Hours and Voxer Support: Regular touchpoints for guidance, collaboration, and ongoing support.

phase 1: the beginning

During this phase, we start to visualize and ideate what our dream life and business looks and feels like. This sets the tone for the entire container and we reference this at all touch points to be our guiding north star to what we seek to create. You will learn and figure out: Metric of Success, Archetypes, Bio & About Practice, and Brand Foundations.

phase 2: the middle

During this phase, we start to reimagine our offerings and the way we’re serving the world with what we love to do. We work together to make your dreams possible through creative visioning and collaboration. You will learn and figure out: Target Audience, Offerings & Services, Business Goals, and creating your new schedule.

phase 3: the end

During this phase, we bring all the elements together to create the new version of your brand. Everything now is changing and you’re getting ready to emerge into the world to be seen, heard, and valued for all that you are and all you were meant to do in the world. You will learn and figure out: Brand Essence, Branding, Social Media Rebirth, Content Rebirth.

the investment

3-month container

12 x 1-hour Weekly Lessons
Creative & Business Guidance
Weekly Tasks & Action Items
Intuitive Guidance
Unlimited Voxer Support
Monthly Payment Plans
Daily Inner & Outer Tools for Integration

Meet Your Guide

For the past two decades, Amanda has been supporting the worlds top fashion and holistic wellness brands in creating their dream businesses and content. She’s consulted with hundreds of conscious entrepreneurs, partnering with them to co-create a business model that aligns with their energy, innate desires, and the way they wish to live their life. She’s helped transform the world's top brands from 6-figure business models to 7-figure business models by helping them bring forth their visions to support their deepest desire to ultimate impact on the world. Weaving in her intuitive nature and gifts, she blends a conscious and holistic approach to creative and business strategy.

Common Questions

Do you offer payment plans?

We provide a 3-month payment plan to our offering.

What types of businesses do you support?

Female-service based businesses in the holistic wellness or creative industries

I have more questions, can we jump on a call? 

Once you apply, there will be an opportunity to jump on a call together. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have at that time.

It’s Time To Transform 

You embarked on this entrepreneurial journey to make a meaningful impact. Let's reignite your genius, cultivate a lifestyle that supports your well-being, and empower you to serve the world with your unique gifts. Embrace "The Metamorphosis" and let your visionary potential flourish. Join the group coaching program starting February 1st, and let the transformation begin.