How to Use Human Design for Career Alignment
October 18, 2023

How to Use Human Design for Career Alignment

In the ever-evolving landscape of career development, there's a tool that's been on my radar for years now that I use all the time in my coaching. And, I really believe that when we follow our Human Design type, it's the secret ingredient to true vocational satisfaction.

In The Metamorphosis, Human Design is a cornerstone of how we guide our clients toward authentic and fulfilling careers. You see, many challenges our clients face stem from a simple yet profound misalignment: not operating within their true design. And I completely empathize with this. I've wandered off my path too. While I’m not a certified HD reader, I've dedicated countless hours studying online resources, just to grasp the essence and apply it for the benefit of my clients. So, if you're feeling a little lost or unsure about the direction of your business or career, perhaps it's time to turn the lens inwards, to understand your unique Human Design.

Breaking Down the Designs

Before you begin integrating Human Design into your career planning, it's crucial to understand its components. Here's a brief overview of the five primary energy types, along with their typical distribution:

  • Manifestors:
    These individuals are natural initiators. They’re the ones with the spark, the idea starters. But they might not always finish what they start. The best business models for you are ones where you can make your own schedule, have a lot of downtime for creative urges to come through, and often times CEO's of their own business - driving the vision for the company. It's important for you to be the visionary and inspire those around you to and who are called to your vision to evolve! 
  • Manifesting Generators:
    A blend of manifestors and generators, these folks can both initiate and follow through. They're multi-talented and often juggle various tasks at once. The best business model for MG's are one's where they can engage in their desire to do different things at different times in their lives. It's important to build in chapters of your business and to embrace their multi-passions instead of dispise them. You can be the the living example of the death and birth experience in businesses, which, is what our world needs more of! 
  • Generators:
    The workhorses of the Human Design system. They possess a stable and sustaining energy, perfect for seeing tasks through to completion. You are blessed with stamina and a desire to focus on the details of a project/brand. When you're aligned, you are super magnetic and can create an incredible world for those around you. The best business models for Generators are one's where you are completely lit up by the industry and what you're doing. That way you can dive deep into the work you love and magnetize those around you who need your brand.
  • Projectors:
    They’re the guides, with an innate ability to lead and manage. They thrive when they can oversee and direct, rather than execute.The best business model for projectors are ones that honor their energies, having space for rest when they need it, and being able to create a lot of content for the people they are providing a solution for in their life. You thrive in big communities and you're meant to do big things in the world! 
  • Reflectors:
    The rarest of the types, reflectors are mirrors to the environment around them. They provide insight and perspective, showing us a reflection of our collective strengths and areas for growth. I haven't worked with any reflectors yet so I don't have the best advice but I do know Jordan Young is a reflector so I'd dive over to her corner of the internet to learn more about her experience! 

We love HD here at Substance. It helps us live more in our design. By understanding your energy type, you can structure your business or role in a manner that feels right to you. Imagine a world where you’re no longer swimming against the current but instead gliding effortlessly downstream.

Aligning Work with Your Energy Type

One of our core beliefs is that when you align your work and services with your energy type, magic happens. You not only find work more enjoyable but also become exponentially more efficient and impactful. By tailoring how you structure and approach your work according to your Human Design, you're setting yourself up for success, satisfaction, and sustainability.

Curious to dive deeper? Interested in discovering your unique Human Design and understanding how to integrate it into your career? Check out My Human Design to learn more and download your personalized chart. It's a small step towards a more aligned and fulfilling professional journey. And, if you need support creating your dream business model, look no further, we have a special offering called The Metamorphosis, a 3-month cocoon for your personal and business transformation. We specifically help you craft a business model that works for you instead of working against you. It's incredibly liberating! 

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