The Alchemy Deck by The Wild Unknown
October 18, 2023

The Alchemy Deck by The Wild Unknown

Welcome to the world of conscious creation. In this series, I will be sharing with you my favorite inner and outer tools to consciously create aligned content. I use these techniques on a daily basis and the intention with these posts are to inspire you to find and try these tools yourself on your journey to conscious creation. Another one of our morning must-haves are morning pages.

What is an Inner Tool?

An inner tool is a holistic modality to connect you with your higher self, intuition, and inner knowing. It’s a way to make sure that what you are creating is from the heart and for the greater good for all involved.

When to use this deck?

Firstly, if and when you are intuitively called to this deck is the first step in knowing whether this deck is for you. I remember not being called to this for 1+ years after it was launched into the world. The Alchemy Deck by Kim Krans, Founder of The Wild Unknown is an oracle deck that is perfect for those on a journey of transformation. Oracle decks are tools for self-reflection, deeper insight, and imagination. They are cards that invite you into using your intuition and inner knowing to gain deeper insight into a situation at question.

I was drawn to this deck in particular as I was starting the creation process of Substance as I am on a personal and professional journey of transformation last month. Alchemy is defined as ‘a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination’ and so I felt it fitting to use this deck as trusted guidance on this path.

How do I use these for conscious creation?

I use this deck in a variety of ways. It’s important to note that I am still very new to this deck and its teachings so each day and each card is an exploration for me. I use this when I am just getting started in my day to understand what I am currently navigating as well as when I am starting a new project for a client. I pull a card to understand what the essence of the project is as a way to make sure I honor those innate energies in the creation process.

By engaging in inner tools, I am able to connect deeper with my intuition and psychic abilities that are within us all. When I create after doing an inner tool, my work is deeper; more profound and it's felt within my clients. Deep downloads and channeled information is more readily accessible and the end result is a beautiful creation that was co-created with spirit. They are a place to play, have fun, and connect with yourself and spirit guides. What I love about them is that you can’t go wrong with the interpretation of them. My creative spirit thrives in this type of environment.

Let’s go deeper.

For more information on the artist, Kim Krans, check out her site here. To go deeper into her work, you can check out the Archetype Deck and the Animal Spirit Deck. They both provide deeper insight to other elements of the creative journey. I explored both of these with my clients and projects in my last business and I feel complete with them at this stage but I always keep them around in case I feel the intuitive pull to them. And then lastly, if you’d like a community that’s consciously creating their dream projects, please feel free to check out Substance Social Club where we meet every week for elemental circles and conscious creation conversations.

Image Source: @The_Wild_Unknown

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