Why We’re Obsessed with Somatic Healing
July 21, 2023

Why We’re Obsessed with Somatic Healing

I've been on quite the healing journey for the past two months. I've been dealing with a cocktail of different ailments: hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and potentially Adenoymosis. Two months ago, I went to the OBGYN because I was doubled over in pain and I didn't know what was going on. They said I had an ovarian cyst rupture and sent me on my way. I was bed ridden for two more weeks and that was enough to take a complete 180 degree change on my life and heal myself naturally.

I started with seeing my local acupuncturist, Dr. Juliana King, Founder of Breakthrough Healing and after our beautiful session she recommended I see a local Somatic Healer, Catalina Ureta. Just when I thought I've done all the holistic wellness modalities, there's a new one I haven't tried. I'm familiar of course, I just haven't tried it for myself. So, I booked a session with her a month later and it was so profound.

I am now a huge advocate for Somatic Healing. It's because it helped me release so much pent up trauma that was stored in my body. I love it because it's natural and it's one of those things that you can do for yourself as well as with a practitioner. Working with Catalina, I was able to talk through what was going on with memories that arose during our sessions and clear them with her and she helped to move the energy as I am lying on the healing bed. We navigated old memories that were connected to my second chakra where my pain and trauma had been and both sessions were so profound.

I've always had difficulty sleeping and after one session I started sleeping peacefully and deeply. Sleeping is a huge component to my healing journey so now that's really amplifying the healing process. I've also been working on money beliefs with her as I am embarking on this new chapter of my life and business and we really uncovered some limited beleifs that were needed to clear that were not mine.

If you're looking for deep support, I can't recommend Catalina and Somatic Healing enough. It's a beautiful journey and if you want to just get started on your own, check out this wonderful Osea Vagus Nerve Oil to start activating your parasympathetic nervous system today.

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